Monday, September 02, 2013

New Meaning to "Labor Day"

18 years ago, I was due to have been in labor with our firstborn on Labor Day. Really not sad at the memory now, just strange to think of how different our lives could have been. I think I would still be grieving pretty strongly, if it weren't for this event that so profoundly changed my perspective. Knowing Noel knows nothing but Glory, I am eager to meet her again some day. 


For saying and images that may more closely reflect your heart today, please visit my miscarriage / pregnancy loss

or infertility boards on Pinterest.


Saturday, July 27, 2013

My Life Since Hannah's Hope

People are continuing to find me through various sources and surprised that they didn't know it was "me" all those different places. So to help everyone find me, I want to list the projects and places I currently remain active so you can easily find me. (Technically, I'm registered for over 30 blogs, but some I don't keep current anymore, some I per-registered for names of probable future book projects, some are titles I know people to search for me by and just redirect to other active blogs, etc.)

From Facebook - I do this a lot!
So here's where to currently find me actively writing, cup of tea on the side table next to me (pictures from around my home (children and child-related projects included) to help in mentally imagining the process):

Hannah's Hope: Seeking God's Heart in the Midst of Infertility, Miscarriage and Adoption Loss (book published by NavPress, 2005, ISBN-10: 1576836541; ISBN-13: 978-1576836545) . Hannah's Hope blog and Pinterest pages on infertility, miscarriage / loss, adoption. Facebook at

InfertilityMom, blog on motherhood after infertility and loss. My motherhood pin board (along with those just listed above) probably best fits this audience. Homemaking too. :)

My current book project, a harvest-themed devotional study on the fruit of the Holy Spirit, especially in the face of trying times, working title Harvesting Hope from Heartache and the accompanying Harvesting Hope blog and Harvesting Hope, fruit of the Spirit , gardening, roses, and spiritual warfare Pinterest pages. Facebook at

Of course, Stroke Of Grace, my unfolding stroke recovery journey blog. I hope to write an accompanying book if future years. On Pinterest, there are several specifically related pages: stroke-related pictures and thoughts, why I'm homesick for Heaven, therapy and exercise, my struggle to find purpose, thoughts on grace and glory and a great collection of brain images. Facebook at

From Facebook
A future book project, currently titled Given Me a Thorn,a study on the life of the Apostle Paul as comfort, encouragement and resources for living with chronic pain and/or illness. Pinterest pages at Natural Health and Chronic Illness, Gluten Free, Latex Free, and Given Me a Thorn. Facebook at

A page I have let fall fallow since the strokes, I hope to revive again, InnerBeautyGirlz, tips and tricks (and even some give-aways) for outward beauty, but with an intention focus on the heart and soul.  I have, however, really been building my Pinterest page on this beauty this year, a reflection of my own struggles both physically and emotionally/mentally, to accept God's perspective on me in my brokenness. Facebook at

Find me on Twitter at @InfertilityMom. I would love to invite you to follow all my Pinterest boards (several more, not listed here, like Social Media, various holidays/seasons, Japan (special board on Koi fish), Tips and Tricks, romantic bicycles like the ones above and below,  my heroesJust Because... and much more) at /InfertilityMom.

From Facebook
My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise. - Psalm 51:17

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Missing My Friends!

Since typing with just one hand means I don't often get this page updated, this is just a reminder to join as I am frequently passing on fresh resources on infertility, miscarriage, pregnancy loss, stillbirth, infant death, marriage and adoption there! (Pushing the "share" button to pass along others' resources is much easier than the mental or physical stamina required to type up fresh blog content. I'm happy to highlight what other first post!) PLEASE JOIN US.

Or if you are on Pintrest, you might be interested in some of my boards:


Pregnancy Loss


Also (children may be mentioned), if you wish, you are welcome to follow my stroke journey, people who inspire me, or all of my boards.


My current book project is a devotional by the working title of  Harvesting Hope from Heartache and two theme-inspired pinboards: Harvesting Hope an Fruit of the Spirit.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

That Sunday Each May

An wonderful Mother's Day article , not quite like any I have read before, is found at Happy Daughter's Day by Elyse Fitzpatrick.

If you are interested in after-infertility and loss thoughts on Mother's Day, here's what on my own mind today (finishing with a link to an open letter to pastors about this Sunday).

It can be the very hardest day of the whole year.